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Cleaner Skin – thanks to Oxygen

August 27, 2015

I’m big on word-of-mouth recommendations, so when I started hearing a lot about Liquid Oxygen, a skincare line, I knew I had to get my hands on their products. Since I’ve been pregnant, my skin has been … can we say “different?” Some pregnant friends report dry, extra-flaky skin while others say theirs is very oily. Me? I would say I’m back to my 13-year-old self in terms of the breakouts, but I didn’t even have acne this bad as a teen – so why now!? I guess the hormones in pregnancy are causing my face to flare up (just add it to the list of other unpleasant things these hormones are doing to my body). So when I finally got my hands on the Liquid Oxygen Anti-Acne Facial Moisturizer and Acne Wash, I figured I would have my solution – until my doctor told me I shouldn’t use any products that contain salicylic acid…and salicylic acid is exactly what I need to get this mug of mine under control. Buzzkill. I guess even small amounts are not recommended for pregnant women or unborn fetuses, so my sister’s lucky day arrived and I passed my samples along to her – with the understanding of course that she would return them to me after use and I would dig into them when my body is MY body again.

Her first thought was that the science behind the products really does work. She reported a cleaner-looking and cleaner-feeling face within a few days, which makes sense because bacteria and acne can’t live in an oxygen-rich environment, and these washes and creams are packed with oxygen as well as vitamins A, C, D & E. A board-certified plastic surgeon developed the line, so it’s nice to know there is not only a doctor behind it but a doctor who specializes in making people look and feel good. But back to my sister – she always says the moisturizers she uses – even the really expensive ones – make her face feel greasy, especially in the summer with the heat, but the Anti-acne moisturizer I gave her (READ: LENT HER) went on smooth and didn’t leave a greasy finish or clog her pores. Her favorite part? The $14.99 price tag, which she couldn’t believe. Combined with the facial cleanser – also a steal at $14.99 – a brand new skincare regimen is born for under $30. The smell is fresh and clean, the price point is totally affordable and the most important part – the results – are evident. Now if only I could get my skin looking good again. I’m going to have to wait until this baby is born, I guess!


* Everything I write about on this blog is “Dorothy-approved” for quality. Some posts contains some sponsored content, and this is one of them.

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