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April 17, 2016

"Most people celebrate their birthday with a cake, but I got the next best thing on my 5-month birthday today – Bananas! – and I loved them! Hey, anything that isn't milk? I'll take it. It's been an exciting month…I had my first trip to Philly and first visit from the Easter Bunny (my toy collection quadrupled after that blessed event)…but something kind of weird happened this month. I woke one morning and my Mom and Dad were nowhere to be found. I panicked at first.. I was like 'Mom? Mooommmmm!?' Mom's my homegirl so I was concerned. But then Grandma told me those two kids were on vacation on an island. Vaca…what?! PEOPLE – how could you go without me? I've already demonstrated I enjoy airports and airplanes. I thought I was clear about my love of travel? But it all worked out because Grandma spoiled me rotten and I had so much fun with her. In fact when Mom and Dad got home I was kind of keeping my distance … Like oh ok you stayed at this luxury resort and spent everyday on the beach and all I got was this scary pirate monkey with the words 'Turks and Caicos' on it?! Don't think so, people. On the to-do list for month 5…get a passport. Until next month….. #nicholasjames #babyboy #momlife

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